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Mary's Graduation from Medical School

There seemed to be a rainbow guiding us to our hotel. It was false hope because the hotel was behind a highway intersection so it was really hard to get to by walking. At one point, we all walked in a lane of traffic with our luggage to get there. We looked like refugees in the US.

At the train stop.

Photo proof that we made it to the hotel.

Stopped for some pizza.

I dug a hole on the beach only to have the lake swallow it right back up. The fun ended immediately and I went over to pout.

Emilio's Tapas Restaurant

After first arriving in Chicago, the train went right by the Sears tower.

Do they climb up to their front door or just not even attempt to get into their own house?

Nice Bentley.

Mary on her cellphone. This is actually not very typical of her. She's usually on the phone, while shopping, as she drives her car, and filling a prescription out for a patient all at the same time.

I tried to squish a sail boat.

Wabash Cannonball! If that doesn't make sense, you don't bleed purple.

We randomly came upon this bicycle called the 'Puppet Bike'. Check out the video below for more about it.<

The Apple store that a homeless man told us to go to. He was actually quite good as a city guide. I wish I got a picture with him, kinda.

Baby Shower at the pizza restaurant, 'Piece'.

Check out the top left of this photo.

Now your baby too can be a socialist revolutionary!

You can't tell very well but this was my first sighting of a motorcycle with a spinning rim. This ranks up there with the semi-truck with one spinning rim I saw once.

Graduation Ceremony

How rich do you have to be to switch out a life boat for a helicopter? Very.

Emilio's Tapas Restaurant

Emilio's Tapas Restaurant

Chicago's Shedd Aquarium/Headed home

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