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London Spring Break
Took a week during spring break to visit Katie.

Each seat had a TV for movies and GPS.

Leaving Chicago bound for London.

On-board dinner complete with hot pasta. Life at 30,000 feet just got better.

Flavia and Katie

Parliment (aka government building like our Capital Hill)

Big Ben

Big Ben

1964 Aston Martin like the one in Goldfinger. Everyone there has a really nice car.

Parliment (aka government building like our Capital Hill)

Thames River

Thames River

Flavia and Katie

St. James Park

St. James Park

Admiralty Arch

Buckingham Palace front monument.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace front monument.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Florence Nightingale

Funny sign on Katie's campus. I bet I know what the higher levels are.

London's subway system was called 'The Underground'. At first, I thought it was some secret society of car racing or something. Yeah, I'm not gonna live that comment down.

Katie and Thames River

Thames River

Street performer who dresses up in all silver. He'll move now and then and scare the crap out of small children so they drop their ice cream.

Parliment and Big Ben

God apparently loves London's government more than ours.

Bus tour of London

St. Paul's Cathedral

St. Paul's Cathedral

London Bridge

London Tower (it's a castle)

London Tower (it's a castle)

London Tower (it's a castle)

London Tower (it's a castle)

This is called Marble Arch and they used to hang people here. That's all. Nothing really neat and uplifting here.

Lotus Luxury Cars

Aston Martin Luxury Cars

Natural History Museum

Monument to Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria.

Piccadilly Circus (similar to Times Square)

Piccadilly Circus (similar to Times Square)

London Eye (massive ferris wheel) and Big Ben

Aston Martin Vanquish

Westminster Cathedral

Westminister Abby

Westminister Abby

Westminister Abby

Westminster Cathedral


Double decker bus

Double decker bus

This ancient wall may attack when provoked.

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

Windsor Castle west of London

This picture needs no comment.

Covent Garden

Covent Garden

Street performers who can put any orchestra to shame.

London Musical: Wicked

The dragon at the top of the stage moved about and snorted smoke.

Tower Hill vicinity

Views from London Bridge. The leaning glass building is London City Hall.

Views from London Bridge

Views from London Bridge

Views from London Bridge

Views from London Bridge

Steam engine that powers London Bridge to raise and lower.

Katie warmed by the fire.

Engine Room

Model of the bridge raising and lowering.

British Museum

This is the Rosetta Stone. It basically has many alphabets in different languages written on it. It paved the way for translating things all around the world.

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